Roger Henderson, aka Detroit Preppin, is officially running for a seat in the US House of Representatives in the 14th District of Michigan! He is running as an independent. Get more information and links to where you can support him at , or visit his GoFundMe page at , also visit his YouTube channel and tell him he has your support! Today I received a notice from Ebay that they had removed 7 product listings I have had up for over a year. The items were muzzle brakes/flash supressors/compensators that could be used with .22/.22LR/5.56/.223 cal. rifles and pistols. They said they were removed because they could be used with what they consider to be "assault weapons". I'm calling this the Walmart effect. Get on the phone, write letters, and email these companies and tell them that you are unhappy about their business practices. Boycott them, or cut back on using them whenever possible if a full boycott is not possible. The only thing they understand is some pain in the pocketbook. Also, help get people like Roger Henderson elected so that our voices get heard throughout government!!! Visit our Creator Directory: The one place to find your favorite creators across multiple platforms.